This project was included in a Tahoe quarterly magazine article. Emily Roose formerly Esposito and I have been fortunate to have collaborated on a number of her projects. She and I worked on the lighting for this Martis Camp project based on hers and the clients ideas for the space. The clients had an idea to combine different styles of fixtures in the same project. Some were jeweled with chrome accents and then chose to add my textural organic lights to the mix as you can see in the article. The advantage being that my lights, being made of natural materials go together with barn wood accents or wood paneled ceiling installations and ground the space. My client used to say they wanted the leopard print handbag and the sticks and stones! The pictures in this article did not make my lights look the way they are unfortunately but made some more oval even though they were round. Can’t always have it all! But I wish I could….