New collaboration with coveted Design Company- Yabu Pushelberg
After over 12 years of sending my art e-mails to Yabu Pushelberg finally I got a response! When I first started doing my art work I was pretty naive and fearless calling and forming relationships with well known Interior Designers and architects that I had no business contacting. I had my top 10 design companies that I coveted doing a collaboration with and YP was maybe the very top. Each year I assumed relationship with the visionary owners George Yabu, Glenn Pushelberg and their art rep Corrine Huard sending probably too many e-mails, mostly by complementing their work, and sharing mine. I am kind of surprised they didn’t lock out all of my new stick art e-mails!
I think I maybe heard back from Corrine once but nothing else over all the years. Finally about a month ago I heard back from George. He said, “let’s see if we can make something happen. I will pass your light pictures along to my team.”
I was so surprised and I could also tell that the new lights I have been doing are really amazing and have that certain something. Then a project that they were doing needed some lights, although in reality it was too late in the process and the project was tight on money. Not a good place to fit me in!
Next time I hope I can get in from the beginning, have a budget and actually do the project.
So you are telling me there’s a chance!

Stick art cylinder light for Green Couch Design /Jeff Schlarb

Collaboration with Marin/L.A. Fine Livinging Tami Gendel and Stick artist David Ward